The Haunted House has started!! Check back soon for more photo's!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Devin is almost 22 months old. He is wearing 2T, size 6 diaper, and 7 shoe, but is quickly growing out of those sizes already. He love his kitties, and he chases them in order to give them bear hugs as often as he can. Devin is a cuddler, he loves to give hugs and kisses to dad, mom, relatives and especially his animals and teddy bears, which he also love to bear hug. He is constantly on the go, even when he is sick. He is starting to interact with other kids at the park, and will chase and give hugs to anyone he has connected they want a hug or not. He is a great helper when he wants to be, but his favorite thing is to take everything out of all the drawers and cabinets and cupbords, but dumping cereal all over the kitchen is the most fun! He is still not vocal, but he certainly understands everything you say. He is still obsessed with fans (ba), and can point out the most obscure fan or A/C unit. He also loves to point out ducks (da-da). HE loves to sit in mom or dad's lap and read books, and he loves to point out teh animals that you ask him to. His favorite books are " All because a little bug went KA-CHOO" "10 little monkeys" "who stole the cookie..." and most of his Halloween books (I wonder where he gets that one!).