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Friday, August 13, 2010

Devin Update

Devin is becoming a big boy! He has alot more to say, and walks around the house practicing his words, his favorite right now is June, Gigi & ewuuu. He has been very active and exploratory, checking everything out, including getting into everything. He is very independent and strong willed. He has also become very helpful, once a project has started, he makes sure it is completed! He is one sweet caring boy. If Cailey is crying, he runs to mom asking her to take care of her. Or he will run and grab his toys for her to play with. He will sweetly say "Hi, Hi, Hi" to her until she smiles. He will also run up to her and laugh in her face, because he knows that it will crack her up! I can't believe that he is already 2 1/2, he is growing up so quickly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a handsome little guy!