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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January Randoms

These photo's are the randoms. They don't exactly fit in anywhere else. Some are terrible technically, but I love em anyways, others are great, but don't have much of a story so they don't get their own post.

The daily Grind....

This was pull every bowl, pot, pan or container out day. Take note of the chair, he even got the chair in order to get the clean bowls off of the stove.

This was pull every blanket, towel or sheet within reach day (yes it included everything in all the drawers, and on beds.

This was pillow day, I had to convince him not to add the sheets, and blankets. And yes we do this everyday, it is great fun for the lil ones, but it is exhausting for mom.

My lil artist in training, Devin is a great teacher!

Devin drew our family portrait on the i-pad!! (you can tell the one he started with and then ended with)

Sweet dreams, my angels!!


1 comment:

Christine said...

Oh my!! Your house totally looks like mine. I am glad I am not the only one that allows that:)